Weight Tracker

Monday, June 13, 2011

My One Week Anniversary

280 at one week!
Hello to everyone who follows this blog and thank you for visiting! 

I'll start with the good news:  I weighed myself and I am down to 280, a whopping 15 pounds!!!  I tell you now, I would have never been able to accomplish this any other way. 

As for how I am feeling.  Yesterday, I slept in almost all day.  I got up a couple of times to check email and get online, but otherwise, the bed and me were one.  I was also very cold, so I had the heater blasting on super high.  Yes, here in Thousand Oaks no less. 

Today, I had an appointment in Beverly Hills.  I didn't think I would make it.  As I drove, I felt dizzy and high.  No, I don't do drugs, so I can only assume what I felt was what people describe as high.  When I arrived at my destination, I was 30 minutes early and the lady told me to come back at the hour.  Normally that would be a bad thing, however, I took the opportunity to rest.  I want to say it helped, but, it didn't.  I still had the high feeling through out my 15 minute appointment and the lady kept looking at me, probably wondering if I was high!

When I left, I decided to stop at Macy's for the bathroom scale in the picture, and a blender.  I survived until it was time to take the escalator down and I just couldn't walk another step.  Fortunately, there was a chair by the mens changing room and I stopped there for a brief moment.  Chris, an employee in that department saw me panting and wiping my forehead and asked if I needed help.  I accepted and he kindly walked me to my car.  I will be sending a commendation to the store. I made it home and slept for another two hours. 

I have not taken any pain meds since Saturday evening, so I assume the dizziness is from the rapid weight loss.  I have an appointment this Wednesday with my doctor and I will ask him then. 

I also realize that I will be scolded for driving and I've learned my lesson.  I thought I was ready and I obviously was not.  Lesson learned. 

Also, if you haven't already, please become one of my "followers" to this blog.  I am trying not to post these updates on Facebook if at all possible.  Thank you!


  1. Wow! Congrats on your weight loss! I won't lecture you about driving, it's obvious that you figured that out. ;) Thank you for sharing your journey

  2. Chris sounds like a sweetheart!
    driving and steps were difficult after my operation. i quickly learned to step on the pedals with my heels to take stress off my abdomen. you sure don't want too much internal tugging.
    dizzy/light-headed usually has to do with oxygen. keep "blowing" .. that should make it better.

  3. Thanks Beth. I hope you start a blog as well. I would love to keep up on you as well.

  4. Thanks Joann, I stopped the blow thing because I was home now and was using my CPAP machine. I guess I can do both???

  5. You're doing good Marisela! Follow doctors orders and take it easy. We're with you! Quidate.
