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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day before Surgery

for those who have had surgery before, there is always a prep script that one follows.  If that surgery is stomach related, then the prep  can be rather nasty.  Therefore, I will spare you  the details...

I have basically eaten anything I wanted to eat and since I was not eating as much, my over indulgences caused me to be very, very full. I feel like a real pig! 

Otherwise, I am really excited about the surgery.  Monday will be here before we know it.  I hope the doctor plays some classic rock for my surgery.  I asked if I could bring in my ow CD and they just looked at me strange.  I'll keep my fingers crossed or some good music.


  1. funny :) . i was completely out in the pre-op room. next thing i remember is big doors opening and i said 'where are we going?'. i'm sure they could have played Tiny Tim and my brain would never know.
    i feel for you. that prep is bad. they made me do it bc they didn't know for sure that my intestines weren't involved .. they weren't.
    i'll be thinking about you tomorrow and looking forward to hearing from you soon!
