Weight Tracker

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jumping on the Trampoline

today, we celebrated my granddaughter Sarah's birthday.  Her mom decided that we would celebrate at Sky High, a trampoline facility in Camarillo.  Prior to this Lap Band surgery, I would have never even on a dare attempted this, however, today, there I was jumping my life away.

I would post the video, however, the twins were not securely in place and well you know... However, here is a "still" picture of me.

As a friend recently said:  "You're doing great!  That roller coaster is getting closer and closer!"


  1. Awesome! You go girl! Kickin' ass! Keep up the great work!

  2. Aww, thanks Beth. My wishes are the same for you as well!

  3. That looks like fun. You look wonderful.

  4. Just wait Mity, the little things that you will notice you can do now verse then are going to becoming your way on a daily basis.. good job, just remember to take it day by day and the next thing you know you will be at the finish line..

  5. Thanks to Anonymous (?) for the great words. I live and thrive on those!

    @Maria, thank you as well. I appreciate your words of encouragement. I hope all is well for you and your family in Nebraska.

  6. It's so good to see you doing well! I'm "jumping up and down" with happiness for you! D

  7. LOL, love it! All of a sudden, I know who you are!!! Thanks!

  8. You Go Mity! I'm very very proud of you. Superflywimpy....Mario M.

  9. Aww, thank you Mario, very nice of you to check in and post those nice comments!
