Weight Tracker

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Misc Stuff

Weight and Measurements Chart

Goal:  195

Date Weight Bust Waist Hips Thigh BMI
Pre-Surgery 295 53 48 59 25  
6/1/2011 290 53 48 59 -- 49.9
6/15/2011 277 52 48.5 61.5 -- 47.5
7/21/2011 268.5 51 46 58.5 24.5 46.1
9/1/2011 257.5 49 46 56 25 44.2
10/13/2011 254 47.5 45 53 23 43.6
10/27/2011 248.8 Dr. Mory's Office Scale
Totals: 46.2 5.5 3 6 2  

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Post Surgery Follow-Up (10/13/2011)

for those of you that have a Facebook account, thanks for reading my update and for posting your remarks.  I appreciate all of them.  This post however is for those who don't have that access. 

Today was my six-week followup appointment and weigh in.  Since I have not watched my diet, I kinda knew what the results would be and as we say in Spanish, dicho y hecho (said and true).  I lost only 3.5 pounds.  The reason this is so depressing is because the checkup before that, I lost 11 pounds.  The time before that was nine pounds! 

So what did I do wrong?  I ate "almost" like I did prior to surgery.  One day I had three tacos for dinner.  I should have stopped at one.  On another day, I had half of a chocolate croissant and so on.  What the heck was I thinking when I was eating this stuff?  I know better! 

On the bright side, and thanks to my Zumba classes, the 5K walk and dancing with my girlfriends, I lost some serious inches.  Three inches on my hips and two on my thighs.  In my view, excellent results! 

What can I do in the future?  I attribute my bad eating to stress.  Not that I stress out alot, however, when I do, I need to stop and recognize this and of course watch my eating.  I will of course continue my Zumba classes.  These are fun for me, so this part should be easy.  Finally, I need to return to the support group that I went to last week.  I liked the group and can see myself making friends with some of the people in the group. 

As for the rest of my appointment, my doctor reviewed my blood tests and although the cholesterol was slightly elevated, it wasn't enough to worry about.  We also discussed my thyroid and the medication I'm taking for that.  Basically, I'll be taking that med for awhile.  We also spoke about how good my blood pressure is doing.  I told him exactly four years ago it was at 198/?  The current reading is 116/70 which it has been consistently there for about a year now.  In fact, it is so good that my primary doctor took away one of my blood pressure meds.    

Last, but not least, my Lap Band doctor now has his own webpage with patient blogs on it.  I will be joining the blog community as one of his patients.  Here is the link in case you want to look it up:  http://www.marinaweightloss.com/

The following is my Weight and Measurements Chart: 

Goal:  195

Date Weight Bust Waist Hips Thigh BMI
Pre-Surgery 295 53 48 59 25  
6/1/2011 290 53 48 59 -- 49.9
6/15/2011 277 52 48.5 61.5 -- 47.5
7/21/2011 268.5 51 46 58.5 24.5 46.1
9/1/2011 257.5 49 46 56 25 44.2
10/13/2011 254 47.5 45 53 23 43.6
Totals: 41 5.5 3 6 2  

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Out of the Darkness Event

Today I participated in the Out of the Darkness Event.  About a year ago, I lost my son-in-law to suicide.  Therefore, in my own small attempt, I accepted my daughters challenge to join her in a fundraising drive and a 3+ mile walk. 

Although just a small group of us showed up, it gave me more of a desire to get the word out, to do more, to get more people involved and overall to save lives.  The people who are so depressed need to know that there IS help out there.  If you would like to know more about the organization I joined, I also encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and please visit this link:  http://www.outofthedarkness.org/  Lets all unite to do something TODAY! 

Todays walk was the hardest piece of exercise that I have done since my surgery four months ago.  It was just over a three mile walk.  I ended up with a blister on my left foot and a pulled muscle on my right hip.  I was able to keep up breathing wise, however, the pain in my hip caused me to come in dead last.  I could have easily stopped and had a relative come pick me up, however, I didn't.  I completed the walk, baby step by baby step and only five minutes behind a mom and her children in a baby stroller.  Thanks to my niece Angelica who although could have run the whole route in just minutes, stayed with me as we completed the route together. 


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Marisela, where art thou?

Guilty as charged!  However, I have a good excuse...  you see, I have been kidnapped by some really good friends.  They invite me to go dancing every weekend.  We make the rounds of the various clubs in Oxnard and Ventura and dance the night away.  Sometimes, I just sit through some of the songs as I have trouble keeping up with them.

This of course brings me to my next and new adventure.  These same ladies told me about the Zumba class they take.  Of course I had to go and get a guest pass and I loved it.  I wasn't able to do the jumps like everyone else, however, in time, I am sure I will be able too.  Now all I need to do is get a good deal on their six month membership and I am set. 

Another thing that I've noticed is the size of my clothing getting too big...  I no longer fit in my old pants.  They slide off way too easy and of course never at the right time!  I then bought one pair of pants and even though they still fit, they are also starting to fit loose...  I am also down a size in my pajamas and boy does that feel good!

Finally, I am now starting to date.  This feels really, really good.  Just when I had swore it all off and thought my love life was over...  ~big smile~